Friday, May 21, 2010

Happy Birthday SB#2!!

SB#2!!! Happy Birthday! It is odd to be 50. We formed the Soul House in 1981, almost 30 years ago. Creed says that dancing is a lot harder now with those adult diapers, but it is safer when you put your butt through the front window. Things I remember include: Driving to the Pantry and Flower Mart in the 1957 T-bird at 5:00am; the great old Korf House with 5 cats and that wonderful fountain with fish and the first Beta VCR and the stereo chair; taking the picture of the family on the 17-mile drive with your leaping in the background; reading Feder Stories at Polly’s and drinking gallons of bad iced tea; Fairy Jokes [“I want my pee Nustufalov.’]; switching signs at Farrell’s with the soup of the day [‘Horse Hair Soup’] and your laughing at ‘midgets with hammers’; your magical lighting of ‘Midsummer’ at Rio outside and your scavenging lights from everywhere including the lights off my truck; the endless varied venues throughout Southern California for your Cornerstone productions; over two decades of Frisbee golf at La Mirada Regional Park – I really miss that; the wonderful visits with great meals as you pass through the Bay Area; a 1960 Taylors’ port!! Well, have a Happy Birthday. I am looking forward to the next 50 years. Love, Mike

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